Customized computer-based programs

Accurate assessments to start learning without stress and pain

Transparent progress reports for teachers and parents

Schools are struggling to close massive learning gaps,
which has far-reaching consequences:

A large percentage of students aren’t meeting state or national standards
Poor academic performance leads to low enrollment
Low achievement may reduce school funding

Every student has different needs and requires individual support.

You deserve a partner who can deliver individualized learning programs to improve student performance, at scale. Without the extra burden on your staff.

Afficient Academy has individualized learning programs designed for schools to enable academic excellence, at scale.

After going through a baseline assessment, each student will proceed with self-paced programs to fill in their learning gaps

We offer two programs:

Afficient Math

Help your students learn grade-level math with individualized lesson plans.

Afficient English

Develop a strong foundation in Reading Comprehension, Writing, Language Acquisition Skills, and Vocabulary.

Afficient Academy’s proven, AI-based methodology have been used by more than 20,000 students.

Most Afficient students complete each grade-level contents with A
Students grasp concepts up to 5x faster
Sail past the previous and current grades efficiently

Give your students a head start on a bright future.

When it is identified where each student should start, everyone can learn at their own pace for school-wide result improvement.

Afficient Academy programs are developed with proprietary algorithms that support high academic performance:

Accurate assessment to identify the most adequate starting grade and level for student’s long-term success
Curriculum aligned with Common Core standards to improve test scores school-wide
Transparent progress reports so teachers and parents can support student’s success

Enable greater academic advancement in less time.

We understand how much pressure you’re under to run your school while working toward academic improvement.

We believe you shouldn’t have to do it all on your own. That’s why we strive to bring efficient, market-proven learning tools to students at any academic level across your school.

Afficient Academy programs are WASC Accredited

Too many schools have learned to live with poor academic performance.

But this challenge doesn’t have to be insurmountable.

Afficient Academy has efficient, computer-based programs designed to improve student performance and elevate your school.